
From App to Super App:

How to Rapidly Expand Features & Functionality to Stay Competitive

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Ready to expand your app with new services and increase revenue?

Dive into the world of super apps with our research on the top players, where they started and how users rely on them.

Explore how to improve your app by taking a microservices approach, developing across platforms, getting more value from your data and more.

Get recommendations on the best way to implement new technologies, improve design, increase engineering velocity and win more market share.

A recent statistical report shows that the average person uses nine mobile apps per day and 30 apps per month. Integrating those nine apps into one super app is a win-win proposition for the user and the business, increasing convenience, providing time/cost savings and offering a better user experience.

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As a global technology services provider, Wizeline helps leading enterprises and scaling startups build high-quality digital products and platforms and accelerate time to market. For more information, please visit