
Meet Wizeline UX Designer Javier Humarán

Meet Wizeline UX Designer Javier Humarán

Wizeline UX designers are multidisciplinary individuals who enjoy tackling design challenges with clients. Meet our front-end developer turned UX designer, Javier Humarán.

Video transcript:

UX Design is important because we always design products for people, and in order to build successful products or digital tools, you need to understand how people think so you can solve real problems and make them successful.

Wizeline applies design-thinking to everything that we build.

I used to be a front-end developer, then I joined the first UX Academy here at Wizeline and I got the opportunity to join the team. Since then, I’ve been able to take advantage of many opportunities here.

So facilitating workshops has been the most challenging part of being a designer here at Wizeline but also has been the one that is the most rewarding.

Six months ago, I facilitated my first full design sprint. It was with a coffee retailer.

This client had a complex problem; no one on the team was sure how to approach it.

Essentially, they were relying on spreadsheets to track coffee stock, employee uniforms, and customer requests at a distribution center.

Together we determined that what they needed was a product that served as a single source of truth, to facilitate the process of product inventory and approvals.

During one week we were able to design and build a working prototype.

It’s incredible what we can achieve when we partner with a client that is so open to our design process.

My name is Javier and I design engaging user experiences at Wizeline.

It’s incredible what we can achieve when we partner with a client that is so open to our design process.

Javier Humarán

Wizeline UX Designer

Nellie Luna

Posted by Nellie Luna on June 20, 2019