Remote new hires at Wizeline

Life at Wizeline

Onboarding at Wizeline: best practices for remote new hires

Onboarding at Wizeline: best practices for remote new hires

Meet our new Content Marketing Manager, Aisha. She joined Wizeline remotely from Lagos, Nigeria, and will be working closely with the rest of the marketing team. Read on for her onboarding experience in week one.

I recently joined Wizeline as a remote employee based in Lagos, Nigeria, and completed the onboarding for my first week. I discovered Wizeline during a meeting at my old job. I applied for the Content Marketing Manager role, and about three weeks later, the company made an offer to join the team.

Before my first day, I wondered what my onboarding would be like since I cannot be physically present in any Wizeline office due to the COVID travel restrictions.

It’s been a super exciting experience so far, and I’d like to highlight some key parts of the process that I found helpful.

Aisha's remote work setup

Personalized IT Support

On my first day, I was assigned to a member of the IT team to support me with getting all my company accounts up and running. This made the experience a lot easier as I knew who to go to when I had problems logging into any websites or applications.

I believe having dedicated support personnel is essential to help remote employees settle in seamlessly without feeling overwhelmed.

Buddy System

Special thanks to my buddy, Ilse, for setting up calls and taking the time to answer the many questions I had during my first week.

Being paired with a buddy certainly helped me foster a personal relationship with the organization and quickly navigate the company culture. 

Group Onboarding Sessions with other new hires

I met 11 other new hires during the onboarding sessions, and it was a lovely experience. We got to know more about the company and each other concurrently, and I believe that helped me stay connected and build my first few relationships with other team members.

Remote new hires at Wizeline

Onboarding Checklist

The first few days at a new company can be overwhelming with all the meetings and feeling unsure of what you should be doing. The team at Wizeline helped me overcome this by creating an onboarding checklist on Trello with the essential things to do and lots of helpful links. I found this very thoughtful, and it improved my experience significantly.


According to Glassdoor, companies with a delightful onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%.

I believe that employee onboarding is a significant primary indicator of an organization’s culture. I’m enjoying the onboarding process at Wizeline and looking forward to getting all settled and diving deeper into my daily tasks.

Want to join the team? Check out our latest openings at

Aisha Owolabi

Posted by Aisha Owolabi on September 30, 2020