Life at Wizeline

Humans of Wizeline: Mariel González

Humans of Wizeline: Mariel González

Mariel’s Running Journey: From Childhood Tears to Endless Miles

Mariel’s expedition into running has been marked by self-discovery, meditation, and the influence of her family. Now a devoted runner, she describes her daily runs as a “zen moment” — her own personal oasis of tranquility amid the chaos of everyday life. Mariel believes everyone should seek out activities that allow them to disconnect and enjoy a peaceful moment. Running, for her, is more than just a form of exercise — it’s a way to claim ownership of her time and reflect on herself.

The Early Running Years

Mariel’s commitment to running has roots in her early life, tracing back to her parents, who were both dedicated runners. This exposure eventually inspired her to embrace running during high school, initially starting with short runs and gradually participating in longer races.

Interestingly, Mariel’s relationship with running underwent a remarkable transformation. Surprisingly, she admits that she harbored a strong dislike for the activity during her childhood. She recalls amusing instances when she was reluctantly dragged to kids’ races, where her disdain for running reached its peak, resulting in tears and creating a comical anecdote given her current status as an enthusiastic runner. She shares, “My parents made me participate in a 500-meter race, and I cried the whole time. I have pictures of me crying on the track.”

The irony deepens as her brother, who also shared her childhood aversion to running, now finds himself equally captivated by the sport, even going so far as to participate in triathlons. However, unlike her brother, Mariel has discovered a profound appreciation for the competitive aspect of running, revealing a passion that runs deep within her.

Balancing a Passion with Everyday Responsibilities

Mariel’s training schedule is not for the faint of heart. The day starts at 5:40 a.m. with a run that lasts an hour or more. Her commitment to the sport doesn’t stop at running — she also dedicates another hour to strength training, flexibility, and mobility exercises to avoid injuries. 

Her routine is a testament to the fact that becoming a seasoned runner requires comprehensive fitness, strength, and a serious commitment to overall health. Despite her busy schedule, Mariel never compromises her morning run, stating that everything else doesn’t fall into place if she misses it. It’s the first thing she does in the morning, an activity that sets the tone for the rest of her day. 

Commuting to work may be just a part of the daily grind for most, but for Mariel, every day is a race — literally. Despite training extensively, she still manages to arrive at the office on time, thanks to her proximity. She plans her day meticulously the night before, preparing for every contingency. This preparation extends to her car, which she jokingly refers to as her mobile wardrobe, always packed with numerous outfit options just in case her plans change unexpectedly. 

Finding Flexibility and Acceptance at Wizeline

Working at Wizeline has proven to be a game-changer for Mariel, allowing her to balance her training with her work commitments. Wizeline’s flexible hours allow her to engage in extended running sessions, visit the physiotherapist or nutritionist, and maintain her rigorous training schedule without feeling stressed or overwhelmed. 

“The flexibility is one of the main reasons why I decided to work at Wizeline. My last role was a nine-to-five job where I had to be in the office, and it was not flexible,” she emphasizes.

Moreover, the accepting and understanding community at Wizeline has made Mariel feel comfortable openly embracing her passion for running. Whether she is wearing her decompression boots during virtual meetings or maintaining a strict diet in the cafeteria, her colleagues respect and support her passion. This accepting environment helps her stay committed to her running routine while successfully fulfilling her professional duties.

A Marathon Journey 

With nine marathons under her belt, Mariel is no stranger to the demands of the sport. She describes running a marathon as one of the most challenging tasks she’s undertaken, but also one of the most rewarding. Each marathon requires a rigorous four-month training ritual involving intense sleep schedules, dietary changes, and increasingly long runs. But every finish line crossed bolsters her faith in her own capabilities and leaves her with a sense of euphoria that she says is “magical.”

“I really cannot describe how you feel at the end. It’s like, you are capable of whatever you want. If you finish the marathon, what else can be harder than that?” she reflects.

In every marathon, Mariel sees a metaphor for life. The initial playful ease of the first few kilometers parallels the carefree nature of youth, while the increasing difficulty of the latter half of the race mirrors the struggles and challenges faced in adolescence and beyond. Like life, the marathon teaches that while the challenges may grow, so too do the rewards.

From Competition to Discipline

Discipline, according to Mariel, is the invisible thread connecting her love for running with her professional life and personal endeavors. She highlights that success, whether in running a marathon or ascending the career ladder, is hard-won. That is why she emphasizes three key values she has gained from running: patience, resilience, and discipline. 

However, Mariel candidly shared that motivation isn’t always her forte. Yet, it’s in these trying moments that the essence of discipline shines brightest, guiding her towards her overarching goals. 

She confesses, “I swear that 80% of the time, I’m not motivated. Who wants to run 15 kilometers at 5:30 in the morning? Obviously, no one! But there’s this bigger goal in your head, and the discipline really comes out when there’s a shortage of motivation.” 

The Importance of Avoiding Burnout

Running has had a profoundly beneficial effect on Mariel’s health. But the path of an athlete isn’t strewn only with roses. There are thorns, too, as she has readily admitted. Injuries — often resulting from the stress of juggling a full-time job, relationships, and her athletic pursuits — have been part of her journey. 

Mariel recalls an episode with a stress-induced fracture, underscoring the importance of managing emotional health and its impact on physical well-being. It also revealed a critical dimension of her approach to life — the significance of balancing stress and personal time. 

As she explains, finding an activity that provides an escape or a “decompression zone” is crucial for managing the pressures of daily life. For her, it’s essential to remember our identities outside of our professional personas and to dedicate time each day to activities that reaffirm our identities, providing a sense of balance and centeredness.

Most importantly, Mariel now emphasizes the importance of sleep. In her experience, sleep is often overlooked, despite its profound impact on physical and mental well-being. She shared her own experience, where she was questioned about her sleep habits whenever she faced any problems. It made her realize the link between poor sleep, increased cortisol levels, and amplified stress. 

Mariel’s experiences and advice underscore the importance of maintaining balance, honoring personal identities, prioritizing rest, and disciplining oneself to make healthier choices. These insights are helpful for anyone navigating the complex terrains of work, personal obligations, and stress.

Living an Unexpected but Well-Deserved Dream

Mariel’s extraordinary journey showcases the powerful alignment of heartfelt desires and life pathways. Her love of running led to an unforeseen twist: a starring role in a global campaign for a renowned sportswear company. 

Utilizing social media as her platform, Mariel shared the relatable ups and downs of her running journey as a working woman, not a professional athlete. Her authentic experiences resonated with a broad audience, leading to a growing community and increased visibility.

Fate, as they say, works in mysterious ways. A marathon finish line, a casual meeting with a friend of a friend who happened to work for the sportswear company, and the rest, as they say, is history. Mariel’s charm, humanity, and unwavering passion caught their attention, ultimately leading to her nomination for the campaign.

From the moment she learned about her nomination, the journey felt as emotionally charged as her most challenging marathon. Being immersed in a dreamlike filming experience — bumping shoulders with idols, acclaimed athletes, and renowned stylists; plus having her own bus, dressing room, and even a security guard — led to a realization of her long-held admiration for the industry. 

However, the real high point was seeing her campaign roll out globally, first in Europe and then across the world. The heady experiences of seeing her friends stumble upon her posters in Rome, of taking a flight to Los Angeles just to catch a glimpse of her picture in stores before it was released in Mexico — these were the moments that felt both surreal and incredibly fulfilling.

The campaign was not just about her; it was a reflection of her dynamic journey, her personal narrative interwoven with her love for running. Her parents, her biggest motivators, were integral to the story. The sight of their daughter, becoming known worldwide, overwhelmed them with emotions. The girl who once hated running was now inspiring millions around the globe.

The campaign’s success surpassed expectations, resulting in contract extensions and broader media coverage. Mariel became a global figure, yet she remained grounded, cherishing the love and support of her family and friends who stood by her throughout her journey.

Final Words

Mariel’s evolving story offers us a key takeaway: Never underestimate the power of an unwavering belief in your potential to achieve your dreams. From a novice runner to a Boston Marathon participant and from a social media enthusiast to the face of a global sportswear brand, Mariel has proven that the body achieves what the mind believes. 

Her advice to those hesitant about incorporating sports into their lives is to find a physical activity they genuinely enjoy, free from comparison or societal expectations. She emphasizes that exercising is a personal journey, a gift to oneself that fosters well-being, happiness, and strength. 

Maria Jose Rodriguez de la Garza

Posted by Maria Jose Rodriguez de la Garza on June 15, 2023